John Rambo

I want to dedicate this post to one of the most memorable characters in the history of movies: Rambo.
Most people may think it is just another banal action movie, but I think it's a movie that denounces important socio-political situations.
Rambo I:
John Rambo is a Vietnam war veteran, who can't forget the war and who lost most of his friends in it. He arrieves to a society that doesn't understand the hell he lived, and that rejects him, fears him. He feels very lonely, so he walks hundreds of kilometers to a small town in Alaska, to meet his only living friend, only to find that he died of cancer.
Shocked by this, he walks with no direction, and is arrested by the Sheriff Will Teasle, who doesn't want him in his town. That's when Rambo starts a war for his freedom...

When Trautman (the colonel) meets Teasle (the sheriff), they have little conflict with each other
Trautman: Why are youchasing him? let him escape, he'll be arrested in two months washing cars in Philadelphia, and nobody'll get killed.
Teasle: I have to do my duty, I'll get him.
Trautman: Rambo is an expert in deadly combat, medic, helicopters and guerrilla. He would eat things animals would find disgusting.
Teasle: Are you telling me that 200 of our men against your boy is a no-win situation for us?
Trautman: You bring that many men, just remember one thing.
Teasle: Oh yeah? What?
Trautman: A good supply of body bags.
The great final
Movie theme lyrics:
It's a long road When you're on your own...
Rambo II:
Col. Samuel Trautman takes Rambo out of jail for a new asignment: rescue POWs (prisioners of war). However, back in Vietnam he finds out that the operation runned by Gen. Marshall Murdock is a farce, that he doesn't matter the people who gave it all for their country: once he rescues a POW and heads for the recovery zone, he is abandoned to his luck, and is capured by the vietnamese forces of Capt. Vinh.

Rambo: (talking from the vietnamese radio)"Murdock, I'm coming for YOU!"
“They sent him on a mission and set him up to fail … but they made one mistake … they forgot they were dealing with Rambo”
Murdock: "Colonel are you sure Rambo's still in balance with the war? We can't afford having him involved in this mission and than crack in the pressure of that hell."
Trautman: "Pressure? Let me just say that Rambo is the best combat vet I've ever seen. A pure fighting machine with only a desire - to win a war that someone else lost. And if winning means he has to die - he'll die. No fear, no regrets. And one more thing, what you choose to call hell, he calls home."
Rambo: (talking to Murdock) Mission... accomplished. You know there's more men out there and you know where they are. Find'em. Or I'll find you.
The great final
Trautman: John where are you going?
Rambo: I don't know.
Trautman: You get a second medal of honor for this.
[Rambo looks over at the rescued POWs]
Rambo: You should give it to them. They deserve it more.
Trautman: You don't belong here why don't you come back with me?
Rambo: Back to what? My friends died here, let me die here.
Trautman: The war, the whole conflict may have been wrong but damn it don't hate your country for it.
Rambo: Hate? I'd die for it.
Trautman: Then what is it you want?
Rambo: I want, what they want, and every other guy who came over here and spilled his guts and gave everything he had, wants! For our country to love us as much as we love it! That's what I want!
Trautman: How will you live, John?
Rambo: Day by day.
Rambo III:
Col. Samuel Trautman travels to Thailand, to recruit Rambo for an operation, once more. But Rambo is living a peaceful life, living with Tibet monks and fighting for money. He doesn't want another war.

So, Trautman goes alone to Afganistan to help the good and brave people of the Thaliban to fight the evil Russians, who talk about terrorist while they wipe out a whole country, and whose bombardments kill civilians every day. But he gets captured by the russian forces of Col. Zaysen. When Rambo is informed of the situation, he decides to go to Afganistan to rescue his friend.

Col. Trautman: Don't worry, he'll find you.
Col. Zaysen: He alone will fight my whole army and kill me? Who do you think this man is, God?
Col. Trautman: God would have mercy, he won’t.

Gee, I love my explosive arrows. Hey, ruskie, don't forget your hand grenades...

"They want us to surrender, I have no choise... but to fight. "


Hueón. Se enciende una hueá donde le había llegado una astilla y el fuego lo pasa de lado a lado al cauterizarse la hueá con pólvora. Es la definición de "automedicarse"
Para ser más exacto, la herida era causada por una esquirla, y la pólvora la sacaba de una de sus balas. Sí, la escena es mítica, pero lamentablemente no encontré imágenes de ella.
me da lata leerlo pero tiene que salir esa parte donde el general dice y necesitars muchas bolsas para cadaveres o algo asi
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