That's the way local girls are...
The day before yesteday I really wanted to visit a place I've heard it's great: El Cachafaz Tango Bar. It's a place were you can watch a tango show, eat, and of course, dance tango. So I asked the girls I'm actually dating if one of them would like to go to this place, but not one of them was available that night, so I decided to ask it a local girl I know, an old friend of mine.
I called her, and proposed to teach her tango dancing on Tuesday night (the show started at 22:00 pm), she accepted with excitement, so I made reservations at El Cachafaz. On that day I had a test at 18:00 pm, so I spent the hole afternoon at the university dressed formal in a black suit, and carried my shoes and perfume in my bag, so I could go directly from the campus to pick her out. I even got borrowed the car of my good friend Juan Antonio, the Great Observer.
I arrived at JA's department at 20:00 pm, and I called the girl, to tell her that I was just going to pick her out, but she kindly told me: "I'm sorry, but I feel a little tired tonigh, so I won't be able to go out with you".
¿Can you believe it? She could have called me to tell me before, so I could at least ask someone else out, but It was too late then. So I ended up drinking wine, watching the local news in "mute" and talking about nothing (the video is a little heavy):
View this clip on Vimeo
Sí. Hay un lío con el plugin y nosequé. Bueh.
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Perras estupidas...!!
Por suerte estoy en Argentina donde lsa inas no hacen ese tipo de cosa.
Lo qu si, ni creo que hayan hueones que se porte como J.A. y presten el auto - a no ser que J.A. quiera algo con vo, y haya llamado a la mina, intimidandola para que no salga contigo, asi podiendo el quedarse a solas contigo un martes a la noche!!!
(Caso contrario, J.A. es muy buena gente...)
Ah y yo si pude ver el video...
Mmmmhh, interesante teoría Samuel...
¡J AAAA! Aaaahhhh
buen blog...
es lamentable que funcione así el asunto... pero al menos tenemos a las extranjeras ;)
Ahora que vi el video en pantalla completa, me fije en mas cosas!!!
Y REAFIRMO mi teoria!!!
1) Claramente se ve que J.A. cumplio su deseo cuando Remolino dice:
- ¿Que onda J.A.?
Ambos cruzan las miradas en el mismo instante y se forma un silencio de un poco mas de 5 segundos donde se miran fijamente a los ojos... (No se que habran pensado en ese instante...)
2) J.A. le hace una pregunta a Remolino, algo sobre el lenguaje de los Nicaraguenses de la costa occidenta, a lo que Remolino le contensta:
-No se, pero claramente son mas buena onda que las minas.
A lo que J.A. n ose pudo contener soltar una carcajada maquiavelica atorandose al tratar de disimularla, mientras pensaba:
"-Pobre Remolino, cree que las minas son las mala ondas, y no sabe que fui YO el que arregle todo para estar aqui con El!!!".
(O puede ser tambien que J.A. solo se sentia obligado a oir los lamentos de su amigo, si es asi el es muy buena onda)
Era el lenguaje de señas de los nicaraguenses sordomudos de la costta occidental ;-)
Martinoco, ¿are you sure you want me to publish those photos? I have only 2, and show you and Luciano examinating the alcoholic merchandise at the supermarket, ¿remember?
My god, Samuel, this is a conspiracy!
I need to have a serious conversation with JA, from a distance no less than two meters, and of course Ja must have his eyes covered.
Si te fijay, en ningun momento J.A. se retracto de lo que yo dije!
weon, hazle un favor a cualquiera que se meta a esta pagina y elimina ese video por favor!
sino, realmente va a ser imposible que vuelva a meterme, porque me da lata hacer el hueveo que tuve que hacer pa que no se quedara pegado el internet explorer. Definitivamente el plug-in no esta bien, o lo arreglas, o borras ese video ¡por favor!
Tube (or "Tubo"):
Nobody else is complaining, I think your internet connection is a little slow (the oppossite of Meche).
Don't be lazy and view te page in the university's PC. That's what I always do and I've never had any problems at all.
PD: Maybe your incapacity to view te page is a product of the absolute absence of videogames in your childhood.
Remolino tien razon!!!
A Tubo le ganan las PCs...
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