This animation reminds me the friends I have who study computer engineering (or programming), jajaja. The fact is that most of my friends and I are constantly "in a world of shit", overwhelmed by exams, homework and projects. For example, I didn't sleep last night, and not because I "got lucky" precisely.
But this is not over, just when I thought I could have a break and sleep, I discovered that I'll have to re-correct some exams. Since I don't have much time right now, I'll just show some images about the subject that may help you if you have the same problem.
Read the instructions carefully.

Be aware of the dangers!
Ahora que lo pienso eso de la muerte pasa después de que te entregan el 2 porque leíste mal el enunciado e hiciste el mega programa de a muerte que solucionaba OTRO problema aún más complejo que el que te pedían en un principio.
So much work, no time!
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