I know what you're thinking, it's almost Christmas, you need to buy a present, and you don't know what. Well, search no more, here you'll find some answers:
There is no better gift than a stupid
Military Antique. Here you can find incredible and useless stuff, such as:

Here's another option: visit
The White House, they have an amazing gift shop with t-shirts, buttons, and other stuff about lots of themes, such as:
Guantanamo Vacation!!

You can find the same products with this pro-USA themes:

You can also find bumper stickers such as:

In this site there are lots of more stuff, here is a compilation of some other products and gear theme:

P.D.: Check out the last additions to my blog: links to the blogs of Beño, Daniel, Benedicto XVI, Manuel Contreras Jr, Master Yoda, Han Solo and Saddam Hussein; the good-evil certification of the Gematriculator, and the quizes to test how evil you are and what political extreme do you belong.
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