Sorry for my abscence, I've been out a while. My friends and I decided to go to Punta del Este, Uruguay, for the new year.

Luciano, me, and our foreign friends from the hostel in Montevideo.

The Centenario Stadium!

I wonder why a city smaller than Santiago has much bigger monuments.

Sunset at Piriapolis.

We reunite with our car-travellers friends at Piriapolis.

They had to pay a bribe to the argentinian police in the way to Uruguay, and they got a receipt!

Punta del Este, here we are!

My God... Martín, get the hell out of the car, so we can take this babes!

Luciano and JA, teaching the uruguaian people about the chilean culture.

Punta del Este was so expensive that at new year we spent a homeless day: no sleep and no food in 24 hours.

This is the drink, these are the players, this is the Chivas' life.

Luciano enjoying our extremely cheap champaign.

Punta del Este's unorganiced, disordered and time unnacurate fireworks.

Party at the street!

Hey, I love you too, babe.

When you're homeless, any place can be your bathroom, and anything can be your breakfast.

A Buenos Aires guy proposed Luciano to be the boyfriend of the redhead.

Luciano and I decided to explore the "natural beauties" at the beach of La Paloma.

Uruguaian chics partying at La Pedrera.

We founded this cheap camping in Punta del Este.

It was near this unfunctional bridge. Mmmhh, delicious dulce de leche icecream!

The Great Observer, having success with this Paraguaian chic.

We are surrounded by beautyful chics! Here they are like atoms: they are everywhere!

Luciano, having beer in his mate.

This babes definitively have Peter Twister's seal of aproval!

Mmmhh, seems like we're not being very discrete.

Wow, look at that atom!!

Atoms, and more atoms!

When I came back to Santiago, the first thing I did was to slap the first chilean girl I saw.

Damnit, Luciano! Always forgeting something in your bag!

Martinoco, feeling funny inside.

J.A., you've lost so many barely-used-solar-protectors, that by buying new ones you'll raise the hole uruguaian economy!

Rodrigo's phrase: "I'm a negatively electric charged dipolo, looking for an atom to join."

Partying at La Perera again, in my final uruguaian night.
What is this? Make up for free?

I'll regret this, but the temptation is too big... sorry, I meant four big temptations.

Well, it's the price I had to pay.

Hey, Luciano could't resist temptation either.

Want to marry? Elvis can help you!

Well, that's it. Finish, finito, kaput, sayonara, aur revoir.
Este comentario no tiene nada que ver con el post, pero Maddox la llea en mala. Creo que olvidé mencionar que tengo un link a su página.
Acabo de leer este post de él, tenía que difundirlo:
nice site bud.....enjoyed the pics.
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