U.K. Tour and Koninginnedag

Parting in the Netherlands:
The night before the Koninginnedag, a celebration known as the Koninginnenacht (this time, April 28) takes place. My friends and I decided to go to Den Haag. They went by train, but it's so close that I decided to go by bicycle.
I was expecting some party in a particular place, but I found people and party everywere in the city. Only then I could visualize how heavily populated is this country.
It took some time, but we finally meet with Giovanni and Salvatore.
There were some awesome babes, unfortunately, I couldn't get better images.
Koninginnedag, Amsterdam:
Since April 30 was sunday, this year the Koninginnedag was celebrated on April 29. We decided to go by train to Amsterdam (where all the dutchs go on this day), but since I had to prepare my bag for a longer trip, I arrived late to the station, where Giovanni and Roberto decided to wait for me. I packed clothing for seven days, my camera, cheap food (pasta, ham sanwiches, coke, milk, bread and jam) and personal hygiene tooling.
The train was realy crowded with orange people. I learned later that in this day, nobody pays the train ticket, because it's impossible for the ticket checker to walk through the wagons with all those people.
Once we were there, Giova and Roberto began to look for something orange to buy and wear:
I suggested to go to the Museumplein (you can check it on the map) because it's a great place to sit and stay, and a perfect place for a concert. I was right.
Wow, check out that babe! Later in this place, I got separated from Giove and Roberto: they had to go back to Delft, and I had to stay (I had tickets for the UK and Warsaw).
Instead of the very nice, quiet dutchs, who wouldn't kill an ant, that I was used to see until now, here I found a crowd of crazy perverts with crazy orange hats, it was really cool.
On the celebration of the national holidays, I would expect traditional food, music, dance and clothing. Instead, the dutchs wear orange cow-boy hats and dance with tecno-music.
Fedde and me.
A couple of dutch guys (Fedde and Kees) invited me a beer, and offered me an alcoholic conversation, which I accepted. They explained me that since germans and french refuse to learn english, the dutchs are forced to learn english, german and french. Fedde speaks also latin and greek, that is a total of 6 languages (in school, he is not studing to be a translator). Many other dutchs friends joined the conversation later.
Since there was no place in any hostel, I had to sleep in the Vondelpark. My dutch friends told me that I would usually got arrested if I was caught by the police, but because there would be so much drunks drifting around this night, I had nothing to fear. The night was a little cold, but I was prepared for that, I brought with me lots of clothings.
The next day there were still events, but no crazy parties anymore.
I saw this really cool game, (10 euros the ride) similar to bungy jumping. The participants gets microphones, so everybody can hear their screams.
I can still hear the screams of a couple of dutch girls, whom you can see in the picture below, after their ride, haha.
Later, I went to the mall, where they were giving away orange candys for free. In the evening, I went to the Shiphol airport, which ended being a great place to sleep: it was warm, and it was possible to lay down across the seats. The next morning (monday, may 1st) I was ready to go.
Girls Conclusions:
Dutch Girls are very beautyfull. I think the average is 4 stars (see The Tucker Max Female Rating System).
The United Kingdom:
When I got out of the plane, my watch ran out of battery, so I depended from my mobile phone, which was also running out of battery, which was a problem because the U.K. has a different king of electric fit. Edimburg is really cool: lots of castles and tradition. Everithing on this city yells "this is scotland, we are proud of being scotish".

I entered this place and bought a scarf as a souvenir. The traditional clothing is very expensive: the skirts cost at least 50 punds (1 euro = 0,7 punds). The weather was great.
I left my luggage in a hostel called Calledonian Backpackers, close to this church. I thought The Netherlands was an expensive country, but the U.K. is even more expensive.
Edinburgh Castle.

In the evening I made a lots of german friends in the hostel: they invited me to drink vodka with orange juice and play "UNO".
Girls Conclusions:
Here, the girls are not so tall as dutch ones, and tend to be less thin, however, they are very nice in personality. Instead of being blue eyed blonds as the dutchs, the scotish girls are browned haired and eyed. I give the average scotish girl 3 stars (see The Tucker Max Female Rating System).
Belfast, Northern Ireland:
The day I arrived Belfast (May 2nd) it was raining really bad. I think I had never seen so much water falling from the sky in such asmall period of time. Thus, I couldn't take any pictures. I made friends with an australian, a japanese, and three US'. The australian taught me how to sucsesfully use the U.K. electric fit to recharge my mobile phone and my camera.

Girls Conclusions:
In Belfast, the girls I saw were, in average, fatter than scotish girls, though there were notable excemptions. Sometimes they are red haired, but this girls are still not common. I give the average girl 2 stars ( see The Tucker Max Female Rating System).
London, England:
London is amazing, there is so much to see that, fearing that Warsaw could potentially be as boring as Belfast, I decided to sacrifice my flight to Poland in order to stay more time in London.
Deciding what to do in St James's Park.
Westminster Abbey.

Right after I took the picture above, I was waiting for the green light to cross the Westminster Bridge, when a motorized cop stopped at the crossing, I didn't undersand why. When the light turned green, I stepped forward and the cop yelled me a "Hey", so I stepped backards and, confused, saw Tony Blair passing through in his car.

Finally, I made it to the park, and slept much better than in the park in Amsterdam, since it was not very cold. The next morning I decided to take pictures of the places I failed to because of negative light conditions, and go to a couple of museums. London has some of the bests museums in the worls, and they are for free!

Then, I entered the Imperial War Museum, wich was amazing. If I had more time, I could had spent a hole day in there.

Later, I walked a lot again, to see the British Museum:

After that, I walked even more torwards the Marble Arch and the Hyde Park, which is huge, more than 2 square kilometers:

Since the Hyde Park is closed at 20:45 hrs, I had to go back to St James's Park. The next morning I was resting from all the walking next to the park's lake, when I heared some military march and a crowd following some red uniforms: it was the ceremony of Changing the Guard of the Buckingham Palace, which takes place at 11:30am.
After the military marchs, the band played some themes from the Beatles, like "Yesterday" and "Michelle".
I coudn't leave without souvenirs. I bought the metal soldiers in Trafalgar Square at 5 pounds each. Then I went to the Luton Airport to spend the night and catch my flight at 4:00am.
Girls Conclusions:
The average english girl is very nice (personality), but is not very beautifull at all. However, it's common to se concentrations of very beautifull girls (4 stars) once in a while, because it's a big city with a lot of people. I give the average english girl 1 star (see The Tucker Max Female Rating System).
At the end, of the seven nights I spent in the trip, I spent 2 at hostels, 2 at airports and 3 at parks. The night that I didn't spend at hostels, I tried to sleep 8 hours, but I only succesfully slept 4 hours. Man, I should write a book about homeless travel!
When I was back in my room in Delft in the morning of saturday, may 6, I was so tired that I lied on my bed. I thought: "mmmh, I could really use some sleep, but it's midday, I'll never going to fall aslee.... zzzzzzz".
q la zorraaaaa
weon q la raja q hayai estado en lugares tan bacanes.
pa q te explico lo bien q se pasa acá, sobre todo cuando el único chip q te sirve pa hacer tu proyecto se agotó en el país.
uuuu viva chile!!!
Que viaje más la zorra.
Adelantr remolino
Bueno, si voy a andar viajando, claramente uno de los conocimientos mas útiles que puedo adquirir es cachar qué onda con las minas, y por supuesto compartir este valioso conocimiento con mis amigos.
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