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Tuesday, June 06, 2006

The Movies Conspiracy

When I registered at the Delft City Hall, I got a couple of tickets for the "Filmhuis Lumen", so on Saturday I went to the cinema with Max and Lars to watch Syriana.

I found it entertaining, it's about a conspiracy around the oil industry. However, like in 99% of the movies that are inspired in real facts, the director (or producer, or anyone with power over the film making) tries to "prove" his point, show the world the way he sees it, or imprint the story with his personal opinion. In order to achieve this, these movies are rich in half-trues, fact twistings, and lies.

Here are some of the lies this movie uses to criticize the US government and the US oil industry:

In the movie: The CIA uses islamic terrorist to make attacks on chinese oil refineries, to make sure that the US gets all of the oil and China gets nothing.

Reality: Almost all of the terrorist objectives are US.

In the movie: Prince Nasir Al-Subaai, next in the line to become Emir of a country in the Persian Gulf, wants to reform his country: give rigths to women, modernize his country, sell oil to China and therefore assure prosperity to his people; but he sais that by doing this, he'll become a "bad guy" to the eyes of occident: he'll be called communist, suffer embargos, etc.

Reality: The Kings of the arabic gulf are criticized for exaclty the opposite: living in ridiculous wealth and maintaining their people in misserable poverty and life conditions. Instead of being pushed and influenced, they have a big influences in US presidents and politics, because they have a huge power over the world's economy.

Here are some ways movies have being used to influence people:

War movies and espionage: The idea is very similar to the gladiator shows in the Roman Empire: to prepare the stomachs of the population for brutalities of war, and make it popular in order to prevent a lack of volunteers, by glorifying violence (e.g. Saving Private Ryan). An extreme case may be the spy movies (e.g. James Bond): poeple associate a glamorous life with spies, instead they must spend years of silent infiltration, only to be caught, tortured, mutilated and killed. However, sometimes the purpose is to protest against war, and the movies show only bad aspects of the war (e.g. The Thin Red Line, most of Vietnam war movies). I think it was Stanley Kubrick who said something like: "war movies shouldn't be about the good or the bad things of war, but about the good and the bad".

Cold War movies: They confront US and russians, generally in sports or any sort of competition: the goodies win and the baddies lose. The goodies are from the country where the movie is produced, and the baddies are from the other country (Rocky).

There are many more. I'll just recall one more particular example:

U-571: This movie shows the heroism of the american sailors who captured the Enigma encoding german machine of the U-571 german submarine. It is a true story, except for one detail: these sailors were not american, they were british.


I've just remembered one of the saddest examples of this theory: Andres Wood's "Machuca". I have to say that I've refused to watch this movie, but I have listened to people: " bla bla,... this must never happen again, buuu, buuu...". I heard that in one scene a soldier stands in front of a child who looks communist, and then he fills him with bullets from his machine gun... WHEN THE HELL DID SOMETHING LIKE THIS EVER HAPPENED???!!! Andres Wood recognized himself that "this is not the official history of anything", but people just keep ascociating this movie financed by our left government with reality. This movie is just a lie, communist propaganda.

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At 11:37 PM, Blogger Pedro , eating a banana on the beach, said...

Te faltó nombrar todas las películas de submarinos y tambien todas las que están basadas en libros de Tom Clancy, en todo caso, ¿tu no eras el fan Nº1 de James Bond? si hasta pedias el mismo trago que el en los bares ¿que pasó que cambiaste de opinión tan abruptamente?

At 4:40 AM, Blogger Peter Twister , eating a banana on the beach, said...

Pero si nunca me han dejado de gustar las peliculas, en particular las de James Bond, que la llea en mala. El hecho de que desconfie de las peliculas no me impide disfrutarlas.

Martinoco: tienes razon, Rocky nos enseno una leccion de paz y amor en el mundo con su discurso en Rocky 4.

At 4:44 AM, Blogger Peter Twister , eating a banana on the beach, said...

Ha, por cierto, estaba muy bueno el link the "The Ladder Theory", creo que resume lo que piensa Maddox al respecto, y tambien resume el "How to make anyone fall in love with you" de Luciano. Se concentra en lo mas importante, va directo al grano.

At 9:43 PM, Blogger perate , eating a banana on the beach, said...

¿Qué onda Remolino?
¿De adonde sacaste eso de las conspiraciones?
Las películas son de lo que más vende y punto. Los personajes públicos son de lo que más vende, punto. Nada de conspiraciones, solo teoría económica.

At 10:19 PM, Blogger Pedro , eating a banana on the beach, said...

J.A.: aunque creo que la palabra "conspiración" no es la mas adecuada, no se puede negar que todos los tipos manipulan la realidad para hacer creer cosas a la gente.

Remolino: completamente de acuerdo con tu comentario, nada te impide disfrutar las películas, pero igual me llamó la atencion que JamesBond fuera blanco de alguna de tus críticas, en fin, nunca se termina de aprender.


At 8:38 AM, Blogger Peter Twister , eating a banana on the beach, said...

Gracias Tubo. La verdad es que el interes de ganar dinero no se contradice con el interes del director o quien sea de introducir ideas en la mente de las personas. Es mas, puede ser bastante lucrativo, preguntenle al dueno de los derechos de "Diarios de Motocicleta", o al director de "Machuca".

At 2:14 PM, Blogger perate , eating a banana on the beach, said...

Insisto en que esas películas tienen como fin primero el ganar dinero. Ninguna se habría relaizado de no mediar ganancias. "Conspiración" es subirle demasiado el pelo. Si hubiese que darle peso a los factores dinero = D y politica = P sería tema pelicula = .99*D+ .10*P

At 2:15 PM, Blogger perate , eating a banana on the beach, said...

.01*P, eso

At 5:55 AM, Blogger Peter Twister , eating a banana on the beach, said...

Tal vez la mayoría de las veces, pero no siempre: Machuca fue financiado con plata del gobierno, es decir, con los impuestos de todos los chilenos, con tal de reescribir la historia aún en caso de que fuera un fracaso comercial, que no lo fue. Es decir, aquí fue primero el fin político y luego el comercial.

At 1:49 AM, Blogger perate , eating a banana on the beach, said...

Razón. Machuca si es propaganda. Toda la verdad.

At 11:31 PM, Blogger che-salmóóóóón!!!!!! , eating a banana on the beach, said...

Lo peor es que Machuca cruzo las fronteras (con ayuda de la embajada) y vino aca a Buenos Aires a mostrar "lo que pasó" ese año... ...

Ademas estuve con el director de la pelicula (y algunos actores), y no solo le bastó mostrar su opinion en la pelicula, si no tambien decia que el era alumno del Saint George en esa epoca y que en la pelicula relato lo que vió... ... ...

At 6:31 AM, Blogger Peter Twister , eating a banana on the beach, said...

Como dice Cambalache:

"El mundo fue y sera una porqueria ya lo se,..."


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