Den Haag, Dutch Chicks and Leiden, also Dutch Space
Well, a lot has happened, and for the same reason I haven't had the time to make a new post until now, just when most of you are coming back from vacations. OK, here we go:
About the girls, Delft (where I am) is a small town, the Technic University has only engineering careers, and it uses a considerable proportion of Delft's surface (about 20% I think). In other words, there are no women in Delft. In the aerospace engineering faculty (where I study), the proportion of female students is lower than the one of the dutch navy.
Analisa (italian) studies in Leiden, a university that is composed mostly of female students, and my italian friends wanted to go to visit her at her new room, of course I wanted to go also. However, they wanted to go in the afternoon, and I decided to go earlier in order to se Den Haag in the morning, which is in the way to Leiden. This, because the cost of the ticket to Leiden (go and return) is 7,5 euros, and I have to make my money more efficient.
This is the dutch parlament building.
Another very old church.
The chilean embassy, nothing special, very disapointing.
The international court building.
The beach and a wharf with watch towers, restaurants and shops.
A very nice hotel next to the beach.
The view from a tower of the wharf.
Another perspective of the hotel.
Later, at about 5 pm I meet with my italian friends.
The way to Analisa's building.
After having dinner, we went out for some drinks with some french guys.

We heard about an Erasmus party next week, on friday (february 24), for foreign students of Leiden University (here, most of events are called Erasmus), so we came back.

Because of the cold, the dutch people doesn't go out a lot, and they do most of thing earlier: launch at 12:30, and so on. The only place were there is activity during the day are the commercial streets, usually called "marktstraat" or something similar.
At least, the party started!
It started a little slow, but now it's very crowded.
A very nice dutch girl dancing for the audience.
Another dancer girl.
There am I, right of the girl, climbing to the stage.
O yeah!
Peter Twister rules!!
The poor inocent girl couldn't handle the thrill of dancing with me.
Yeap, my dancing knowledge is proving to be very usefull.
Analisa, me, Roberto and Giovanni.
Our norwegian friends (Lars and his girlfriend).
At the bottom left corner, Max (germany), at the top left Phillip (france). You know the rest.
The next day, back in Delft, there was this carnival that I missed. My italian friends went to Maastrich, were the biggest carnival takes place, but I didn't go because it's so dam expensive just to go there and return: 30 euros.
I'll ask Giovanni for his photos of Maastrich, so you can see what is it about.
Then, on monday, I went to visit Dutch Space, where I saw the ERA, a robotic arm for the International Space Station.
This is one of the two connectors ERA uses to dock with the station and to catch the cargo.
The cameras that ERA uses to see it's targets.
Solar panels built at Dutch Space.
The back of the solar panels.
A sun simulator, to test the panels.
Well, that's all for now.