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Hello, and welcome to the Beach of Peter Twister.

"If I can't have what I want, I'll want what I can", from "Cosi fan tutte", of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

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Capitalism Rules! Comunism Sucks!

This site is certified 73% GOOD by the Gematriculator This site is certified 27% EVIL by the Gematriculator

Friday, December 23, 2005

Need a gift urgently?

I know what you're thinking, it's almost Christmas, you need to buy a present, and you don't know what. Well, search no more, here you'll find some answers:

There is no better gift than a stupid Military Antique. Here you can find incredible and useless stuff, such as:

Here's another option: visit The White House, they have an amazing gift shop with t-shirts, buttons, and other stuff about lots of themes, such as:

Guantanamo Vacation!!

You can find the same products with this pro-USA themes:

You can also find bumper stickers such as:

In this site there are lots of more stuff, here is a compilation of some other products and gear theme:

P.D.: Check out the last additions to my blog: links to the blogs of Beño, Daniel, Benedicto XVI, Manuel Contreras Jr, Master Yoda, Han Solo and Saddam Hussein; the good-evil certification of the Gematriculator, and the quizes to test how evil you are and what political extreme do you belong.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Merry Christmas 2005!

We era just a few days from christmas, Jesus's 2005th birthday, maybe that's why he is dancing of happiness:

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I would like to thanks Mr. X for facilitating me this animation.

I don't know if you are catholic, or even christian, but I bet you can't wait for santa's arrival. I can't blame you, I dream with this all the time:

View this clip on Vimeo

At this modern times, it's vary easy to contact Santa at his blog. You can also do so with God at God's blog 1, and God's blog 2. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any Jesus blog.

Before I end this post, I want to give to you, visitors of my web page, a christmas present, enjoy it.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Elections 2005

Last sunday, december 11, 2005, I went to excersise my right (and my duty, even though I think it should be just a right and not an obligation) to vote. The line was huge, and I waited 1,5 hours; "Calamar Vampiro" describes better the situation, since he voted in the same school. Resuming, this is what I found when I arrived:

When I finally reached my room ("sala 155"), I showed my credentials, voted, they made me mark my thumb with tincture, and told me "you are ready". I asked "but were should I place my thumb's mark?", "nowere, you're ready" the guy answered. I asked again "but then, why did I have to mark my thumb for?", and the guy answered: "pa' puro cagarte" ("just to fuck you").

At this times, everybody is wondering about the results of the elections and the future of Chile, everybody but me, since I KNOW the future of Chile. It's not difficult to guess, since in Chile, just like in Macondo (100 Años de Soledad), time goes roung in circle ("el tiempo da vueltas en redondo"). If adding 1+1 is too dificult for you, I'll show you the obvious future:

Richard Lakes, 2005
Michelle, your socialists powers can defeat the Cristian Democracy Party...

At the end of his government, Ricardo Lagos is consolidating his empire of evil after he re-wrote history, changed the national emblem, and controlled the comunications media, with the help of whichs he placed Michelle Bachelet as his successor.

Michelle Bachelet, 2006
Then, Michelle will be free to turn Chile into a socialist-communist totalitarism. Of course, she hasn't the capacities to do so, she is just the puppet of Lenin's clon.

Tomás Hirsch, 2011
Then, tomás Hirsch will be elected, and the revolution will bring caos and pain, and the few democracy-and-capitalism-lovers left will be slaughted and burned to ashes.

But don't lose all your hopes, a hero will arrise and rescue the country once again...

Pinochet is Back

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

JA and JP Letelier are the same!!!!!111eleven!

I've discovered the truth, the real identity of JA, the great observer!!

Find out for yourself...

Thursday, December 08, 2005

I'm Pedro Remolino

Pedro Remolino (or Peter Twister) gets around...

With this video I hope you understand why my friends call me Remolino.

JA, the great observer, said "I'd like people think I'm gay rather than they see me doing this crap".

View this clip on Vimeo

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Ricardo Lagos and Democracy

There are a lot of things about Ricardo Lagos that I don't approve, but here I'll limit myself to denounce the barbarisms he tells in his speeches. I will not translate his literal words because I want to be faithful to the truth, and if I'd published both original and translated text, this post would be too long.

There are a lot of Lagos' words that deserve to be questioned, but most are unrecorded one-day-declarations (lots of them are about what democracy means, at least for Ricardo Lagos). There are a lot of registered speeches (about 530), and it took me a lot of thime to select the worsts. Of course I didn't read all of them, just the ones that I thought could be the worsts.

Discurso 12 Agosto 2003 Mensaje al país al dar a conocer Propuesta en materia de Derechos Humanos "No hay mañana sin ayer"
(dijo 4 veces democracia)

"El quiebre de nuestra democracia se produjo en medio de tormentas crecientes que el país y sus líderes no fuimos capaces de controlar."

I wonder in which way he was trying to control those storms when the socialist party (of which Ricardo Lagos was member) voted in unamimity in favor of the armed (violent, warlike) way to reach to the power.

Discurso 21 Mayo 2003 (dijo 6 veces democracia)

(Respondiendo a jóvenes en las tribunas: "En un rato más voy a referirme exactamente a los puntos que están señalando. Lo que están diciendo es inexacto... Democracia es que ustedes puedan estar en las calles gritando, mi amigo. ¡Para eso luché!").

Wait a moment, Ricardo Lagos fought to destroy democracy and implement a comunist-socialist constitution, long before Pinochet.

Discurso 18 Agosto 2004 Celebración del Día de la Solidaridad, Santuario del Padre Hurtado (dijo 0 veces democracia)

"Por eso hemos definido políticas para llegar a ellos, que son insuficientes y que requieren la participación de todos. Por eso me parece tan importante lo que planteó el padre Moreira, de cómo hacemos para incorporar a muchos más y cómo hacemos para que ésta no sea tarea sólo de autoridades, no sea tarea sólo de jóvenes. Y aquí en el Hogar de Cristo, como en otras instituciones, ustedes han generado espacios de participación a todos. Y por ello vamos a trabajar en las tareas que usted nos señaló en ese tercer punto respecto del tema tributario. Quiero ser bien directo aquí, el tema tributario tiene dos caras: cómo hacemos una tributación que sea justa, para el que tiene más aporte más en beneficio del bien común, y cómo hacemos también incentivos para aquellos que quieren aportar lo puedan hacer y pueda haber, entonces, un compromiso.
Cuando hay un incentivo tributario, si el privado pone un peso, el Estado pone un peso cuarenta, en tanto lo puede descontar de los impuestos, porque es un incentivo tributario. Asegurémonos bien que cuando se pone ese peso, el peso cuarenta que se pone con el resto de los chilenos esté también bien puesto."

Beautiful words, but pure lies: when the proposed law about donations was finally launched by the President, it was mostly about political campaigns donations, and about the rest of donations it said that if anybody wanted to make a donation to charity or sports, a part of that money is taken by the government and redistributed on charity institutions selected by the government. As a result of this unfair regulation, charity donations have been reduced a lot, that's the way Ricardo Lagos wants to fight pooverty. And by the way, The "Hogar de Cristo" still pays aggregate value taxes (IVA or "Impuesto al Valor Agregado") to the government in order to help the poorest of the poor.

Discurso 18 Noviembre 2004 Al dar a conocer el Informe de la Comisión Nacional sobre Prisión Política y Tortura (dijo 0 veces democracia)

"Al leer este Informe, tres preguntas nos recorren una y otra vez:

La primera: ¿Cómo explicar tanto horror? ¿Qué pudo producir conductas humanas como las que allí aparecen? No tengo respuesta frente a ello. ¿Cómo explicar que el 94% de los detenidos señalen que fueron objeto de torturas? ¿Cómo explicar que, de las 3.400 mujeres que entregaron testimonio, casi todas señalen haber sido objeto de alguna violencia sexual?"

Of course, it can`t be explained, it's ridiculous. All of those people are obviously lying, just as it's instructed in "the manual of Marigella", which all comunists terrorists posessed: everyone who is detained must declare he/she was tortured.

Discurso 6 Marzo 2005 Al morir Gladys Marín (dijo 2 veces democracia, en 3 párrafos pequeños)

"Gladys Marín fue una luchadora ejemplar y consecuente con sus ideas. Luchó porque hubiera espacio a la democracia, porque hubiera libertad y más justicia.
El duelo decretado por el Gobierno es una expresión de nuestro respeto a lo que ella encarnó y a los miles y miles que en democracia la siguen. En consecuencia, creo que hoy día, más allá de las banderas de cada uno, están las banderas de Chile y por ese Chile mejor por el cual Gladys Marín luchó."

Gee, I thougth Gladys, as president of the communist party, fought for communism, that is, for a totalitarian regime in which the State makes all the decisions of people, reducing them therefore to slaves.

Discurso 17 Septiembre 2005 Firma de la nueva Constitución Política de la República de Chile (dijo 8 veces democracia)

"Este devenir se vio interrumpido de manera trágica el 11 de septiembre de 1973. Como señalé hace dos años, el quiebre de la institucionalidad democrática en un país jamás se produce como un rayo que altera, de pronto, sin previo aviso, un cielo que hasta entonces permanecía apacible y sereno; por el contrario, se produce en medio de tormentas crecientes, que los países y sus líderes no son capaces de advertir a tiempo y de controlar con eficacia.
Ese quiebre hizo que la República se apartara del norte de su permanente aspiración de creciente democracia y consiguiente ampliación de las libertades. Todos conocemos hoy la real magnitud del sufrimiento que provocó la violación masiva de los derechos humanos. Cualquier acto constitucional en ese contexto, como es comprensible, carecía de la legitimidad histórica necesaria que toda Carta Fundamental requiere. Ese Chile no podía perdurar, y no perduró."

I'm sorry Ricardo, but the Constitution was created by Pinochet, not you, even if you change a couple of details of it. Therefore, all the good things of Chile that has lasted this long, even when you try to destroy them, are part of Pinochet's Chile.

Finally, the worst of the worst:

Ricardo Lagos' declaration at the oficial ceremony of sign the law proyect of the new "Región de los Ríos" at Valdivia, wednesday 19, 2005: (before an ecological pacific manifestation)

“Lamento que un acto de unidad vaya a ser perjudicado por ustedes, que no entienden lo que es la democracia. No me van a venir a enseñar a mí, señor… Esto es un acto de unidad de todos los valdivianos. Pero, déjenme decirles una cosa: no callé cuando hubo dictadura y ustedes no me van a hacer callar a mí, al Presidente de Chile”.
Absolutely contradictory. No coments.