Colonel Miguel Krassnoff
The first time I heard about Colonel Miguel Krassnoff was years ago, maybe close to the year 2000. He appeared at television entering the courts, because he was being judged for human rights violations during the military government of General Augusto Pinochet. I heared that he was part of DINA's circle of power, and that he murdered Miguel Enríquez, maximum leader of MIR ("Movimiento Izquierdista Revolucionario", or Left Revolutionary Movement); I immediately imaged Krassnoff torturing Enríquez to death in a dark room in a DINA's quarter ("Dirección de Inteligencia Nacional" or National Inteligence's Directorade). I mean, look at him: he is a colonel, caucasian, he absolutely seems like "military establishment", besides he has a russian last name, and look at his bad-guy-face: he just seems evil.
Later, I learned the truth. Here is his true story:
The father and the grandfather of Krassnoff were white russian military, belonged to cosac nobility, and were both hunged at the Moscow's Red Square in 1947. His mother succeded to escape to Chile with his months old baby, and she believed she had found for her and her son a secure shelter against comunism. Years later, Miguel succeded to enter the chilean Military Academy, against the will of his mother. Then, the crisis of Allende's comunist government arrived, and then, the military strike.
It was 1974, Lieutenant Krassnoff (26) and other three army members were driving a car, clearly not prepared for combat, when they accidentally see Miguel Enriquez, leader of MIR, walking on the street and entering a house. Krassnoff and a soldier went to knock the door, and before they could do that, the soldier heard a machine gun being charged at the other side of the door and he pushed Krassnoff to the ground, saving their lives. The soldier runned to get some help, and Krassnoff stayed in a heavy shooting. Miguel Enriquez died abandoned by his comrades.

The heroic behavior of Krassnoff made him earn the medal of Personal Braverty (medalla al Valor Personal), which hadn't been given in Chile for acts of war since the War of the Pacific.
The comumists and the socialists, who hold the political power at the present, hate him. Krassnoff now is victim of their revenge: he is considered part of DINA's circle of power, but at the time he was just a 26 year old lieutenant, and the number of people who declared being tortured by him is more than 1000 (that is, 2 each day, during his service at DINA). When asked about the reasons for the denounces on him, he said: "My mission at DINA (an assignment that he didn't choose) was to heard the declarations of the people who were detained, and always before I started I showed my credential and told them my first and last names. Besides, the Manual of Marighella, guerrilla instructive, orders all the detained to declare themselves tortured".
When for his merits he deserved to be promotedto general, long before his detention, his superior told him that he couldn't promote him for political reasons, then he decided to retire from the army. All the people who have known him said that he is the most correct person they've ever met, the most professional officer, an example of husband and father. When asked about, he aswer "I've never tortured a person, neither has people been tortured in my prescence". Krassnoff was sentenced to 10 years of jail.
Read more about his story (in spanish) here, or about the shooting with Miguel Enríquez here.